To the Same.
Cambridge, Tuesday, June 21, 1864.
Your good report of Fred came this morning. He is doing surprisingly well. I am making all haste to get ready. At almost any other time, I could have got off sooner; but as we are on the point of getting out the Almanac, and putting the last work in the hands of the printer, I cannot pick up my tools and break communications with the office as soon as I desire to. I shall be ready, however, sooner than the time I set. At my present estimates, I shall start on Saturday the 25th. I left an order in Boston this afternoon for a quantity of California wine and brandy to be sent to Fred. If he does not need it, some one else may. My love to Fred, and tell
him to keep up his spirits. I regret that William Ware will be unable to come with me.Chauncey reached Washington on June 28, but his brother had died the day before.
In the next letter is found the first mention of Chauncey’s acquaintance with Mr. Charles Eliot Norton and his family, and of his visits to their summer home at Ashfield, Mass. This acquaintance had begun at Cambridge a few years earlier. It will sufficiently appear hereafter how greatly it contributed to Chauncey’s happiness throughout the rest of his life.