《䷭升 \ Sheng》
1 升:元亨,用見大人,勿恤,南征吉。
Sheng: Sheng indicates that (under its conditions) there will be great progress and success. Seeking by (the qualities implied in it) to meet with the great man, its subject need have no anxiety. Advance to the south will be fortunate.
Tuan Zhuan: (We find) the weak (line), as it finds the opportunity, ascending upwards. We have (the attribute) of flexibility and that of obedience; we have the strong line (below) and its proper correlate above: - these things indicate that there will be 'great progress and success.' 'Seeking (by the qualities implied in Sheng) to meet with the great man, its subject need have no anxiety:' - there will be ground for congratulation. 'Advance to the south will be fortunate:' - his aim will be carried out.
Xiang Zhuan: (The trigram representing) wood and that for the earth with the wood growing in the midst of it form Sheng. The superior man, in accordance with this, pays careful attention to his virtue, and accumulates the small developments of it till it is high and great.
2 初六:允升,大吉。
Sheng: The first SIX, divided, shows its subject advancing upwards with the welcome (of those above him). There will be great good fortune.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He is welcomed in his advance upwards, and there will be great good fortune:' - (the subjects of) the upper (trigram) are of the same mind with him.
3 九二:孚乃利用禴,无咎。
Sheng: The second NINE, undivided, shows its subject with that sincerity which will make even the (small) offerings of the vernal sacrifice acceptable. There will be no error.
Xiang Zhuan: 'The sincerity of the subject of the second NINE, undivided,' affords occasion for joy.
4 九三:升虛邑。
Sheng: The third NINE, undivided, shows its subject ascending upwards (as into) an empty city.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He advances upwards (as into) an empty city:' - he has no doubt or hesitation.
5 六四:王用亨于岐山,吉无咎。
Sheng: The fourth SIX, divided, shows its subject employed by the king to present his offerings on mount Kh?. There will be good fortune; there will be no mistake.
Xiang Zhuan: 'The king employs him to prevent his offerings on mount Kh?:' - such a service (of spiritual Beings) is according to (their mind).
6 六五:貞吉,升階。
Sheng: The fifth six, divided, shows its subject firmly correct, and therefore enjoying good fortune. He ascends the stairs (with all due ceremony).
Xiang Zhuan: 'He is firmly correct, and will therefore enjoy good fortune. He ascends the stairs (with all due ceremony):' - he grandly succeeds in his aim.
7 上六:冥升,利于不息之貞。
Sheng: The sixth six, divided, shows its subject advancing upwards blindly. Advantage will be found in a ceaseless maintenance of firm correctness.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He blindly advances upwards,' and is in the highest place: - but there is decay in store for him, and he will not (preserve) his riches.