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Annotation Guide:

The Presocratic Writings
Presocratic Writings - English
The Presocratic Writings - English Translations and Additional Information
Leucippus of Abdêra

Leucippus of Abdêra


Leucippus of Abdêra was in his prime about 430 B.C.

He was credited with one book, called The Great World-Order; and perhaps a monograph On Mind.

1. (Title of book: The Great World-Order, here attributed to Democritus).

1a. (Restoration of Herculanean Papyrus in which Democritus is accused of plagiarising from The Great World-Order' of Leucippus).

Certain terms of the Atomic Theory can probably be traced to Leucippus, e.g.

Atoms ('uncuttables').

Close-pressed (units).

Great Void.


Rhythm (meaning 'form').

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Contact (meaning 'arrangement').

Aspect (meaning 'position').



2. (From a treatise 'On Mind'). Nothing happens at random; everything happens out of reason and by necessity.