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Volume I.
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Volume III.
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considerations on the causes of the grandeur and declension of the roman empire.
chap. I.: the infancy of rome. the wars it sustained.
chap. II.: of the science of war, as practised by the romans.
chap. III.: the methods by which the romans raised themselves to empire.
chap. IV.: of the gauls. of pyrrhus. parallel between carthage and rome. the war of hannibal.
chap. V.: the state of greece, of macedonia, of syria, and of egypt, after the depression of carthage.
chap. VI.: the conduct which the romans observed, in order to subdue all nations.
chap. VII.: how it was possible for mithridates to resist the romans.
chap. VIII.: of the divisions which always subsisted in the city.
chap. IX.: two causes which destroyed rome.
chap. X.: of the corruption of the romans.
chap. XI.: of sylla, pompey, and cæsar.
chap. XII.: observations on the state of rome after the death of cæsar.
chap. XIII.: augustus.
chap. XIV.: tiberius.
chap. XV.: remarks on the emperors, from caius calicula to antoninus.
chap. XVI.: considerations on the state of the empire from antoninus to probus.
chap. XVII.: changes in the state.
chap. XVIII.: an account of some new maxims received by the romans.
chap. XIX.: some particulars of the grandeur of attila. the establishment of the barbarians accounted for. reasons why the western empire was overturned before that in the east.
chap. XX.: the conquests of justinian. some account of his government.
chap. XXI.: disorders in the eastern empire.
chap. XXII.: the weakness of the eastern empire.
chap. XXIII.: the duration of the eastern empire accounted for. its destruction.
a dialogue between sylla and eucrates.
persian letters. by m. de montesquieu.
Volume IV.
past masters commons
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The Complete Works of Montesquieu. Electronic Edition.
Volume III.
The Complete Works of Montesquieu. Electronic Edition.
Volume III.
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