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considerations on the causes of the grandeur and declension of the roman empire.
a dialogue between sylla and eucrates.
persian letters. by m. de montesquieu.
preliminary reflections on the persian letters, by m. de montesquieu. prefixed to the quarto edition.
introduction to the first french edition.
contents to the persian letters.
letter I. usbëk to his friend rustan at ispahan.
letter II. usbek to the first black eunuch, at his seraglio in ispahan.
letter III. zachi to usbek, at tauris.
letter IV. zephis to usbek at erzeron.
letter V. rustan to usbek, at erzeron.
letter VI. usbek to his friend nessir, at ispahan.
letter VII. fatme to usbek, at erzeron.
letter VIII. usbek to his friend rustan, at ispahan.
letter IX. the chief eunuch to ibbi, at erzeron.
letter X. mirza to his friend usbek, at erzeron.
letter XI. usbek to mirza, at ispahan.
letter XII. ushek to the same, at ispahan.
letter XIII. usbek to the same.
letter. XIV. usbek to the same.
letter XV. the first eunuch, to jaron, the black eunuch, at erzeron.
letter XVI. usbek to mollak mehemet ali, guardian of the three tombs, at com.
letter XVII. usbek to the same.
letter XVIII. mollak mehemet ali to usbek, at erzeron.
letter XIX. usbek to his friend rustan, at ispahan.
letter XX. usbek to zachi, his wife, at the seraglio at ispahan.
letter XXI. usbek, to the chief white eunuch.
letter XXII. jaron to the first eunuch.
letter XXIII. usbek to his friend ibben, at smyrna.
letter XXIV. rica to ibben, at smyrna.
letter XXV. usbek to ibben, at smyrna.
letter XXVI. usbek to roxana, at the seraglio at ispahan.
letter XXVII. usbek to nessir, at ispahan.
letter XXVIII. rica to * * *.
letter XXIX. rica to ibben at smyrna.
letter XXX. rica to the same, at smyrna.
letter XXXI. rhedi to usbek, at paris.
letter XXXII. rica to * **.
letter XXXIII. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter XXXIV. usbek to ibben, at smyrna.
letter XXXV. usbek to gimchid, his cousin, dervise of the shining monastery of tauris.
letter XXXVI. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter XXXVII. usbek to ibben, at smyrna.
letter XXXVIII. rica to ibben, at smyrna.
letter XXXIX. hagi ibbi to the jew ben-joshua, a mahometan proselyte, at smyrna.
letter XL. usbek to ibben, at smyrna.
letter XLI. the chief black eunuch to usbek.
letter XLII. pharan to usbek, his sovereign lord.
letter XLIII. usbek to pharan, at the gardens of fatme.
letter XLIV. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter XLV. rica to usbek, at * * *.
letter XLVI. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter XLVII. zachi to usbek, at paris.
letter XLVIII. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter XLIX. rica to usbek, at * * *.
letter L. rica to * **.
letter LI. nargum the persian envoy residing at muscovy, to usbek at paris.
letter LII. rica to usbek, at * * *.
letter LIII. zelis to usbek, at paris.
letter LIV. rica, usbek at * * *.
letter LV. rica to ibben at smyrna.
letter LVI. usbek to ibbin, at smyrna.
letter LVII. usbek, to rhedi, at venice.
letter LVIII. rica to rhedi, at venice.
letter LIX. rica to usbek, at a * * *.
letter LX. usbek to ibben, at smyrna.
letter LXI. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter LXII. zelis to usbek, at paris.
letter LXIII. rica to usbek, at * * *.
letter LXIV. the chief of the black eunuchs to usbek at paris.
letter LXV. usbek to his wives, at the seraglio at ispahan.
letter LXVI. rica to * **.
letter LXVII. ibben to usbek, at paris.
the history of apheridon and astarte.
letter LXVIII. rica to usbek, at * * *.
letter LXIX. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter LXX. zelis to usbek, at paris.
letter LXXI. usbek to zelis.
letter LXXII. rica to ibben, at * * *.
letter LXXIII. rica to * **.
letter LXXIV. usbek to rica, at * * *.
letter LXXV. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter LXXVI. usbek to his friend ibben, at smyrna.
letter LXXVII. ibben to usbek, at paris.
letter LXXVIII. rica to usbek, at ***.
letter LXXIX. the chief black eunuch to usbek, at paris.
letter LXXX. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter LXXXI. nargum, envoy from persia in muscovy, to usbek at paris.
letter LXXXII. rica to ibben, at smyrna.
letter LXXXIII. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter LXXXIV. rica to * **.
letter LXXXV. usbek to mirza, at ispahan.
letter LXXXVI. rica to * **.
letter LXXXVII. rica to * **.
letter LXXXVIII. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter LXXXIX. usbek to ibben, at smyrna.
letter XC. usbek to the same, at smyrna.
letter XCI. usbek to rustan, at ispahan.
letter XCII. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter XCIII. usbek to his brother, santon in the monastery of casbin.
letter XCIV. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter XCV. usbek to the same.
letter XCVI. the chief eunuch to usbek at paris.
letter XCVII. usbek to hassein, dervise of the mountain of jaron.
letter XCVIII. usbek to ibben, at smyrna.
letter XCIX. rica to rhedi, at venice.
letter C. rica to the same.
letter CI. usbek to * * *.
letter CII. usbek to ibben, at smyrna.
letter CIII. usbek to the same.
letter CIV. usbek to the same.
letter CV. redi to usbek, at paris.
letter CVI. usbek to redi, at venice.
letter CVII. rica to ibben at smyrna.
letter CVIII. usbek to * * *.
letter CIX. rica to * **.
letter CX. rica to * **.
letter CXI. usbek to * * *.
letter CXII. rhedi to esbek, at paris.
letter CXIII. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter CXIV. usbek to the same.
letter CXV. usbek to the same.
letter CXVI. usbek to the same.
letter CXVII. usbek to the same.
letter CXVIII. usbek to the same.
letter CXIX. usbek to the same.
letter CXX. usbek to the same.
letter CXXI. usbek to the same.
letter CXXII. usbek to the same.
letter CXXIII. usbek to mollak mahomet ali, keeper of the three sepulchres, at com.
letter CXXIV. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter CXXV. rica to * **.
letter CXXVI. rica to usbek, at * * *.
letter CXXVII. rica to ibben, at smyrna.
letter CXXVIII. rica to usbek, at * * *.
letter CXXIX. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter CXXX. rica to * **.
letter CXXXI. rhedi to rica, at paris.
letter CXXXII. rica to * **.
letter CXXXIII. rica to * **.
letter CXXXIV. rica to the same.
letter CXXXV. rica to the same.
letter CXXXVI. rica to the same.
letter CXXXVII. rica to the same.
letter CXXXVIII. rica to ibben at smyrna.
letter CXXXIX. rica to the same.
letter CXL. rica to usbek, at * * *.
letter CXLI. rica to the same.
letter CXLII. rica to usbek, at * * *.
letter CXLIII. rica to nathaniel levi, a jewish physician at leghorn.
a letter from a country physician, to a physician at paris.
letter CXLIV. usbek to rica.
letter CXLV. usbek to * * *.
letter CXLVI. usbek to rhedi, at venice.
letter CXLVII. the chief eunuch to usbek at paris.
letter CXLVIII. usbek to the chief eunuch at the seraglio of ispahan.
letter CXLIX. narsit to usbek, at paris.
letter CL. usbek to narsit, at the seraglio of ispahan.
letter CLI. solin to usbek, at paris.
letter CLII. narsit to usbek, at paris:
letter CLIII. usbek to solin, at the seraglio of ispahan.
letter CLIV. usbek to his wives, at the seraglio of ispahan.
letter CLV. usbek to nessir, at ispahan.
letter CLVI. roxana to usbek, at paris.
letter CLVII. zachi to usbek, at paris.
letter CLVIII. zelis to usbek, at paris.
letter CLIX. solin to usbek, at paris.
letter CLX. solin to usbek, at paris.
letter CLXI. roxana to usbek, at paris.
three letters of m. de montesquieu to m. le chevalier de bruant.
Volume IV.
past masters commons
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The Complete Works of Montesquieu. Electronic Edition.
Volume III.
The Complete Works of Montesquieu. Electronic Edition.
Volume III.
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