《䷮困 \ Kun》
1 困:亨,貞,大人吉,无咎,有言不信。
Kun: In (the condition denoted by) Kun there may (yet be) progress and success. For the firm and correct, the (really) great man, there will be good fortune. He will fall into no error. If he make speeches, his words cannot be made good.
Tuan Zhuan: In Kun (we see) the strong (lines) covered and obscured (by the weak). We have in it (the attribute of) perilousness going on to that of satisfaction. Who is it but the superior man that, though straitened, still does not fail in making progress to his proper end? 'For the firm and correct, the (really) great man, there will be good fortune:' - this is shown by the central positions of the strong (lines). 'If he make speeches, his words cannot be made good:' - to be fond of arguing or pleading is the way to be reduced to extremity.
Xiang Zhuan: (The trigram representing) a marsh, and (below it that for a defile, which has drained the other dry so that there is) no water in it, form Kun. The superior man, in accordance with this, will sacrifice his life in order to carry out his purpose.
2 初六:臀困于株木,入于幽谷,三歲不覿。
Kun: The first SIX, divided, shows its subject with bare buttocks straitened under the stump of a tree. He enters a dark valley, and for three years has no prospect (of deliverance).
Xiang Zhuan: 'He enters a dark valley:' - so benighted is he, and without clear vision.
3 九二:困于酒食,朱紱方來,利用享祀,征凶,无咎。
Kun: The second NINE, undivided, shows its subject straitened amidst his wine and viands. There come to him anon the red knee-covers (of the ruler). It will be well for him (to maintain his sincerity as) in sacrificing. Active operations (on his part) will lead to evil, but he will be free from blame.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He is straitened amidst his wine and viands:' - (but) his position is central, and there will be ground for congratulation.
4 六三:困于石,據于蒺蔾,入于其宮,不見其妻,凶。
Kun: The third SIX, divided, shows its subject straitened before a (frowning) rock. He lays hold of thorns. He enters his palace, and does not see his wife. There will be evil.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He lays hold of thorns:' - (this is suggested by the position of the line) above the strong (line). 'He enters his palace, and does not see his wife:' - this is inauspicious.
5 九四:來徐徐,困于金車,吝,有終。
Kun: The fourth NINE, undivided shows its subject proceeding very slowly (to help the subject of the first line), who is straitened by the carriage adorned with metal in front of him. There will be occasion for regret, but the end will be good.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He proceeds very slowly (to help the subject of the first line):' - his aim is directed to (help) that lower (line). Although he is not in his appropriate place, he and that other will (in the end) be together.
6 九五:劓刖,困于赤紱,乃徐有說,利用祭祀。
Kun: The fifth NINE, undivided, shows its subject with his nose and feet cut off. He is straitened by (his ministers in their) scarlet aprons. He is leisurely in his movements, however, and is satisfied. It will be well for him to be (as sincere) as in sacrificing (to spiritual beings).
Xiang Zhuan: 'His nose and feet are cut off:' - his aim has not yet been gained. 'He is leisurely, however, in his movements, and is satisfied:' - his position is central and (his virtue) is correct. 'It will be well for him to be (as sincere as) in sacrificing:' - so shall he receive blessing.
7 上六:困于葛藟,于臲卼,曰動悔。有悔,征吉。
Kun: The sixth SIX, divided, shows its subject straitened, as if bound with creepers; or n a high and dangerous position, and saying (to himself), 'If I move, I shall repent it.' If he do repent of former errors, there will be good fortune in his going forward.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He is straitened as if bound with creepers: (his spirit and action) are unsuitable. '(He says), "If I move, I shall repent of it." And he does repent (of former errors), which leads to good fortune:' - so he (now) goes on.