《䷍大有 \ Da You》
1 大有:元亨。
Da You: Da You indicates that, (under the circumstances which it implies), there will be great progress and success.
Tuan Zhuan: In Da You the weak (line) has the place of honour, is grandly central, and (the strong lines) above and below respond to it. Hence comes its name of Da You (Having what is Great). The attributes (of its component trigrams) are strength and vigour with elegance and brightness. (The ruling line in it) responds to (the ruling line in the symbol of) heaven, and (consequently) its action is (all) at the proper times. In this way (it is said to) indicate great progress and success.
Xiang Zhuan: (The trigram for) heaven and (that of) fire above it form Da You. The superior man, in accordance with this, represses what is evil and gives distinction to what is good, in sympathy with the excellent Heaven-conferred (nature).
2 初九:无交害,匪咎,艱則无咎。
Da You: In the first NINE, undivided, there is no approach to what is injurious, and there is no error. Let there be a realisation of the difficulty (and danger of the position), and there will be no error (to the end).
Xiang Zhuan: This first NINE, (undivided), of Da You shows no approach to what is injurious.
3 九二:大車以載,有攸往,无咎。
Da You: In the second NINE, undivided, we have a large waggon with its load. In whatever direction advance is made, there will be no error.
Xiang Zhuan: 'A large waggon with its load' refers to the (virtue) accumulated (in the subject of the line), so that he will suffer no loss (in the conduct of affairs).
4 九三:公用亨于天子,小人弗克。
Da You: The third NINE, undivided, shows us a feudal prince presenting his offerings to the Son of Heaven. A small man would be unequal (to such a duty).
Xiang Zhuan: 'A feudal prince presents his offerings to the son of Heaven:' - a small man (in such a position) does (himself) harm.
5 九四:匪其彭,无咎。
Da You: The fourth NINE, undivided, shows its subject keeping his great resources under restraint. There will be no error.
Xiang Zhuan: 'He keeps his great resources under restraint:' - his wisdom discriminates clearly (what he ought to do).
6 六五:厥孚交如,威如;吉。
Da You: The fifth SIX, divided, shows the sincerity of its subject reciprocated by that of all the others (represented in the hexagram). Let him display a proper majesty, and there will be good fortune.
Xiang Zhuan: 'His sincerity is reciprocated by all the others:' - his sincerity serves to stir and call out what is in their minds. 'The good fortune springing from a display of proper majesty' shows how they might (otherwise) feel too easy, and make no preparation (to serve him).
7 上九:自天祐之,吉无不利。
Da You: The topmost NINE, undivided, shows its subject with help accorded to him from Heaven. There will be good fortune, advantage in every respect.
Xiang Zhuan: 'The good fortune attached to the topmost line of Da You' arises from the help of Heaven.