To the Same.
Cambridge, June 15, 1864.
I was very thankful to learn, with the first news I received of your mishap, that—thanks to tender care and a good constitution— you are doing so well.
Ansel writes that you expect to be on crutches in two or three weeks. Hope is a good medicine, but don’t let it stimulate you to impatience.
But it will hardly do for one like me to attempt to counsel such a brave and noble fellow, as you have shown yourself to be, how to bear his misfortunes, though I had also to exercise the courage of patience last summer with my inglorious wound.
I was very glad also to learn from Miss Ware that you had come under the care of so good a friend.
Before long — before you have had many weary days to count — I hope to be with you for a short time at least. Meantime, I shall hear frequently from you through George and Ansel.