Abbot, Francis E., 54, 107, 123 147; letters to, 55, 76, 100, 108, 123, 140.
Accuracy in statement, 300.
æsthetic judgments, 324.
Agassiz, 43, 367.
Aim in life, 300 n.
Altruism, 186.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, chosen Fellow of, 42; contributions to, 42; discussions in, 71. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 88.
Animal plants, 353, 354.
Annihilation, 276.
Astronomy, early interest in, 7, 14. “Atlantic Monthly,” 83.
Aristotle, 177, 286.
Art, 190, 197, 198.
Aryans, the, 222.
Ashfield, 84, 88, 89, 95, 345.
Atheism, 133.
Audiences, 207.
Authority, 113, 229.
Anthropology, 257-265. See Darwin. Axioms, 108, 109, 295, 296.
Bacon, Lord, 30, 364 n.
Bain, Alexander, 178, 179, 197, 202, 369.
Beale, Lionel, 204.
Beautiful, the, 194-198, 277, 281, 325. Bees, economy and symmetry of cells of, 42; architecture of, 42.
Belief, 96, 100-103, 129, 130, 141, 204206, 342.
Biology, 296.
Blind, memory of the, 266, 267.
Botany, 14 n., 347, 354.
Brown, Addison, recollections, 28. Burden of proof, science acknowledges none, 203, 320.
Calvinism, 114, 118, 206.
Cambridge, 2, 99.
Cary, Professor G. L., recollections, 26, 27.
Causation, 73, 108.
Character, ideals of, 210.
Cheever, Professor D. W., recollections, 27, 28.
Childhood, 39 209.
Clarke, Isaac Edwards, recollections, 13. Clarke, Mrs., letter to, 8, 11.
Classics, small knowledge of the, 19, 20, 23.
Classification, 43, 292.
Clifford, Professor, 356.
Club, the, 39, 40, 174, 362.
Cognition, 124-133.
Colors, 268, 273, 274, 277-281, 304, 314-316.
Comte, 166, 186, 211.
Conception, 59, 129.
Conscience, 180, 196, 288, 289. Consciousness, 111, 128, 129. Cosmogony, 16, 177.
Cowlicks, 334.
Creation, 111.
Curtis, George William, 89, 144, 166. Cutler, Professor Elbridge J., 199 n.
Darwin, Charles, 30, 220, 239, 253, 303; correspondence with, 230-236, 240-246, 304-318, 331-338. Darwinism, 206, 219, 229, 345, 363 n. Death, 86, 237, 275.
Dennett, Professor, 225, 383.
“Descent of Man,” 205, 220, 248, 333. Discussion, advantage of, 124, 300, 355. Disinterestedness, 208.
Dreams, 299 327, 372.
Duty, 114-118, 297.
Duty of belief, 342.
Dwight, Dr. Thomas, 359 n.
Earnestness, 290.
Education, 120, 168, 212-215, 216.
Elections, reforms in, 146-152.
Ellipse and Hyperbola, Properties of Curvature in, 42.
Ellis, Rev. Rufus, 254, 255; recollections, 19-21, 297-299.
Emerson, R. W., 30, 87, 143, 147.
Emery, Woodward, 272; recollections, 283, 284, 359.
Empiricism, 270, 271. See Experience- Philosophy.
Ends of life, 274-277.
England and English genius, 218, 219, 220, 253.
Europe, voyage to, 239.
Eyebrows, use of, 332, 338.
Evidence, 96, 103, 342.
Evolution, 85 n, 368.
Evolution by natural selection, 237. See Natural Selection.
Evolution of Self-Consciousness, 46, 253-
Experience-philosophy, the, 46, 124, 129, 270, 271, 289, 381. See Positivism, Knowledge, Utilitarianism.
Faith, 103, 381.
Farrar, Mrs. John, quoted, 225.
Feeling, 194, 252,326.
Fichte, 293.
Final causes, 226, 286, 287, 292.
Fisher, George H., recollections, 25, 26; letters to, 28, 32, 33.
Fiske, John, 340.
Freedom, 74.
Free-will, 70-75, 110, 241-246.
French genius, 220.
Galileo, 218, 229.
Genius, 216, 217, 324, 325.
“Genesis of Species.’' See Mivart. Geology, 176.
Geometry, 356.
Gestures, 304, 305, 331, 332, 337. Gilfillan, Dr. Thomas, recollections, 15, 16, 348, 349; quoted, 346.
God, 96, 133-135, 297.
Godkin, E. L., 174; letter to, 257. Good resolutions, 322.
Gould’s Astronomical Journal, 232.
Gray, Professor Asa, 286, 331, 367.
Greatest good of the greatest number, 300 n.
Green, N. St. J., 32, 358.
Gurney, Professor E. W., 33, 34, 53, 87, 107, 137, 189, 192, 212, 218, 302; recollections, 361-383.
Habit, 282.
Hamilton, Sir William, 30, 55-63, 82, 120, 214, 363-366, 369, 370.
Happiness, 210, 282, 322.
Hare’s Electoral Scheme, 148-152. Harvard College, 2, 148, 157.
Heat, 177.
Hegel, 179.
Helmholtz, 278, 280.
Hoar, E. R., quoted, 148.
Holland, Henry W., recollections, 214, 215.
Holmes, John, 247.
Holyoke, Mount, 9, 346, 350.
Howard, Miss Catherine L., 90; letters to, 91, 94, 119; recollections, 120-122.
Human agency, 240-246.
Human progress, 226-228.
Huxley, Professor, 235, 249.
Hypothesis, 206.
Ideas, fixed, 170, 179.
Idealism, 132, 270, 271.
Ideation, 312, 314.
Imagination, 323-327, 354.
Immortality, 65, 86, 101, 102, 121, 122, 134, 135, 237, 285, 297, 381.
Indefinite, the, 80.
Infinite, the, 57, 80-82.
Inheritance, 167-169, 257-263.
Innervation, 314.
Insanity, 291, 292.
Intuition, 105, 106, 126-128, 195-197, 324.
Ireland, Miss Catherine I., letter to, 53.
Irony, 293-295.
James, Dr. William, 532, 333. James, Henry, 358, 359/
Jugglery, 11, 178, 256, 319, 381.
Kant, 106, 164.
Kepler, 323, 324.
Knowledge, 73, 77, 104, 124-133, 141, 204-206, 300, 352, 356, 381. See Experience-Philosophy, Positivism.
Langdell, Professor C. C., 22, 23, 246, 307.
Language, 236, 240-246.
Laws of the universe, 132. of nature, 177.
Law School, 33.
Leaves in plants, uses and origin of arrangement of, 42, 234.
Lectures, University, 2, 15 7—159, 174, 175, 200-204, 207, 208, 212-215.
Lesley, Professor J. P., letters to, 38, 67, 75; recollections, 64-67; mentioned, 53, 54, 88, 145, 166.
Lesley, Mrs. J. P., her Memoir of Mrs. Lyman quoted, iS, 19; recollections, 34-36, 139, 345; letters to, 37, 42, 157) 164, 175, 215; mentioned, 143, 192, 302, 360.
Letter-writing, 28, 344.
Lewes, G. H., 341.
Life, 177, 204, 274-277, 281, 283, 287. 296.
Light, experiments in regard to, 255.
Light, 279.
Living according to nature, 328-330.
Logic, 214; reform in, 162, 163.
Lowell, James Russell, 41 n., 83, 107, 316, 318, 332.
Lowell, Mrs. Charles R., 21, 40, 41 n.
Lyman, Mrs. Joseph, 18, 19, 34, 38 n.
Maine, Sir Henry, 340; “Ancient Law,” 367.
Manners, 341.
Mansel, 61, 85 n.
Marriage, 351.
Martineau, Rev. James, 85,175, 179. Materialism, 66, 178.
“Mathematical Monthly,” Contributions to, 41, 42.
Mathematicians, 54, 67.
Mathematics, Wright’s study of, 15, 23, 28, 45, 75, 254, 356, 363 n.
Maudsley, 327.
Maxims, 352.
Memorial Hall, dedication of, 267.
Memory, 124, 201, 265-267, 321, 347, 362
Mental photograph, 299 n.
Metaphysics, 84, 120, 204, 275, 299 n.
Migration, 346.
Mill, J.S., 30,82,84,101, 120, 130, 131, 142, 152-156, 165, 166, 211, 216, 223, 224, 250, 251, 257-265, 356, 370.
Mill River, 9, 10.
Miracle, 43, 176, 356, 357.
Mivart, St. George, 219, 224, 226, 230, 237.
Modern ideas of morality, 171.
Modern types of moral excellence, 169-174, 181-185, 186-190.
Molasses candy, why it grows white from working, 91-94.
Moral greatness, 171, 181-185.
Moral nature, the, 178-185.
Moral sense, 118.
Morality, 46, 97-99, 180-185, 281. See Utilitarianism.
Mother Goose, The Philosophy of, 39, 39 294, 295.
Mount Desert, 44 n., 46, 84, 89, 357.
Müller, Max, 162, 244.
Myers, James J., 230; recollections, 199, 200.
Mysticism, 288, 295, 296, 328.
“Nation, The,” list of contributions to, 85.
Nature, 37, 153, 177, 328-330.
Natural selection, 71, 191, 202, 222, 226, 230, 235m 237, 240 n., 332-336, 351,
Nautical Almanac, 2, 31, 70, 86, 122, 137, 376, 377.
Nebular hypothesis, 46, 176.
Necessary beliefs, 129, 130.
Necessity. See Free-will.
Newcomb, Professor Simon, recollections, 70, 71; letter to, 71. Newspapers, 169, 170.
Newton, 229.
Nomenclature, proposed new, 71-73. See Ideation, Synthems.
Northampton, 3, 9, 10, 99, 350,357,-360.
Norton, Charles Eliot, 55, 137, 139, 219, 360; recollections, 82-84, 89, 90; letters to, 84, 87-89, 97, 99, 107, 114, 148, 169, 191, 220; his sketch of Wright, 1, 11, 17; death of Mrs. Norton, 236.
Norton, Miss Grace, 95, 137, 139; letters to, 95, 152, 157, 178, 186, 200, 226, 236, 254, 269, 272, 284, 300, 330, 338, 341, 343-345, 354.
Norton, Miss Jane, 95, 137, 139, 359; letters to, 99, 135, 142, 144, 165, 207, 249, 256, 265, 302, 321, 330, 349; her death, 353.
Norton, Miss Sara, letter to, 353.
Noumena, 104, 131, 132.
Object. See Subject.
Optics, 255, 269, 277-281.
Occam, William of, 219, 370.
Old age, 209.
“Origin of Species,” the, first reading of, 43, 367; discussions of, 71, 367; mention of, 236, 368.
Orthodoxy, 285 n.
Passion, noble, 181.
Peirce, Professor Benjamin, 122.
Perception, 269-272, 312, 314.
Perry, John T , recollections, 26.
Phenomena, 131, 132. See Noumena.
“Philosophical Discussions” referred to, 1, 30, 42, 46, 67, 202, 212, 226, 234, 237, 253, 347.
Philosophy, 27, 100, 141, 167, 179, 203.
Phonantographs, 355.
Physical theory of the universe, a, 46.
Phyllotaxis, 42, 42 n., 66, 232-236.
Plato, 30, 299 n., 328.
Pleasure, 195-198.
Poetry, 10, 11, 12, 299 n., 348.
Points about an Axis, most Thorough Uniform Distribution of, 42.
Political economy, 172-174, 186-188.
Politics, 171-174, 192, 193. See Women, rights of; Elections, reforms in.
Positivism, 95-97, 102, 103, 140-142, 145-147. See Experience-Philosophy, Knowledge, Utilitarianism.
Posthumous reputation, 355.
Post mortem examination, 359 n.
Postulates in science, 108.
Power, the supreme, 109-113.
Preaching, 103, 135, 140.
Prejudice, the way to meet it, 135, 136.
Prismoidal formula, 41; extension of, 41.
Probability, 294.
Property, 172-174, 186-188. Psychozoölogy, 248.
Psychology, advice as to the study of, 119, 120.
Putnam, Lieut. Win. Lowell, 48.
Quincy, Mrs. Josiah P., recollections, 21, 40, 41.
Radicalism, religious, 147.
Reading, 303.
Realism, 162, 328.
Relations, knowledge of, 104.
Religion, 97-99,100, 103, 114-118, 141, 142, 170, 185, 189, 190, 227.
Responsibility, 241.
Reverence, 206, 228.
Rowing, 273.
Rowse, Mr., 247.
Runkle, President John D., 41; recollections, 122, 123, 137 n., 142.
Salter, Charles, 191, 199, 200. Scepticism, 152, 178, 381.
Science, 113, 141, 176, 203, 229, 256, 356.
Sedgwick, Miss Sara, letters to, 246, 316.
Selfishness, 186, 208, 343, 344. Semitics, the, 222.
Septem, the, 366, 367.
Serviceableness, 287.
Sex, 85 n., 153, 257-264, 268, 336. Shakespeare, 299 n.
Shattuck, George O., 284.
Sheldon, Professor David S., Chauncey’s teacher, 13, 14, 368, 374.
Slaves, fugitive, 38, 50, 51.
Sleep, 276.
Solar system, 176.
Socrates, 152, 185, 293, 295, 299 n., 300, 332, 335, 380.
Sophocles, Professor, 302, 308-312.
Sorrow, 86, 237, 252.
Space and time, philosophy of, 55-63, 76-82, 103-107.
Space-perception, 269, 305.
Spencer, Herbert, 61, 340, 345. Spontaneity, 339, 343 n., 345.
Stephen, Leslie, 250, 251.
Stewart, Dugald, 119.
Style of writing. See Wright, Chauncey. Subject and object, 270, 271.
Suffrage. See Woman's Suffrage. Suicide, 342.
Sympathy, 179.
Synthems, 293 n.
Taine, M., 253.
Teaching, 140. See Wright, Chauncey.
Teleology, 263, 269, 285, 286.
Tennyson, 299 n.
Terms, use of, 112.
Time, 176. See Space.
Thayer, James B , 1, 2, 13, 29, 30, 33, 43 n., 142, 192, 357; letters to, 29, 357.
Theology, 67-70, 96, 109.
Thomson, Sir William, 67, 177, 212.
Topographical drawing, 216.
Tranquillity, 209.
Travelling, 164.
Trowbridge, Professor John, 318. Truth, 300-302, 325, 326, 356.
Unconditionally limited, the. See Indefinite.
Unconditionally unlimited, the. See Infinite.
Unconscious selection, 240-246.
Uses in natural selection, 332-338.
Utilitarianism, 46, 178, 185, 222-224, 228, 282, 287-291.
Utility, the principle of, 192-198.
Vacations, 43 n., 338, 339.
“Vestiges of Creation,” 368, 368 n.
Virtue, 282.
Walker, Dr. James, 363 n.
Walker, Mrs. Mary, 38, 49, 50, 359, 372.
Walking, 251.
Wallace, Alfred, 176, 191, 202, 219, 333.
War of the Rebellion, 47-50, 211.
Ware, Darwin E., letter to, 37; recollections, 43-46, 363 n.
Ware, Professor William R., 53, 307, 353.
Warner, J. B., recollections, 213.
Wealth. See Property.
Weather predictions, 74.
Whewell, Dr., 364 n., 366.
Whitney, Professor W. D., 240 n., 244.
Williston Seminary, 19.
Winds and the Weather, 83, 366.
Winlock, Professor Joseph, 369, 369 n.
Wishes, 322.
Woman’s suffrage, 151, 257, 263-265.
Women, rights of, 152-156, 159-164.
Words, “good” and “bad,” 112, 113; ambiguities, 275.
Wright, Ansel, 3, 4, 236.
Wright, Ansel, Jr., 13; letters to, 52.
Wright, Chauncey, birth, ancestry, and family, 1-4, 12, 13; Class-Book Life, 4-7, 14 n., 19 n., 23 n.; his first name, 5, 373; school-days, 5-7, 13-15, 18, 19, 21; first letter, 8; early habit of writing verses, 10-12, 348; wit, 10 n.; youthful studies and speculations, 7, 10, 14-17, 347, 354; temperament, characteristics, personal habits, 57,10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25-28, 31, 34-36, 43-46, 50, 51, 53, 64-66, 70, 83, 89, 90, 95, 120-123, 137-139, 199, 200, 214-216, 220, 239, 246-249, 250, 251, 283, 284, 320, 371-383; personal appearance, 24, 25, 44, 45, 382; love of children, 35, 36, 39, 142, 372, 383; leaves school, 18; employed in his father’s store, 18, 20, 21; scholarship, 19, 20, 22, 23; college life, 21-30; becomes a computer on the Nautical Almanac, 2, 30, 31; his habits of work on the Almanac, 31, 122, 199, 200, 376, 377; his means of support, 31, 33; essays read before his club, 39, 40; teaches at Professor Agassiz’s School, 2, 42, 366; invited to lecture at Harvard College, 157, 158; becomes an instructor in the College, 212; visits and travels, 37, 43 n., 84, 88, 89, 95, 142, 152, 164, 165, 175, 217, 218, 239, 240, 246, 247, 272, 273, 284, 302, 345, 346; habits of study and reading, 15, 22, 45, 375, 376; habits of writing, 100, 378; powers as a thinker, 45, 230, 231, 321, 362, 363, 382; mental
development, 45, 46, 363, 364 n., 364-374; his sketch of his brother, Lieutenant Wright, 47 n.; health, 50, 137-139, 199, 249, 371; his appreciation of women, 383; as a teacher, 212-215, 377, 383; intercourse with younger men, 379, 380; style of writing, 225, 378; account of his visit to Mr. Darwin, 247-249, see Darwin; powers as an observer, 338 n.; death, 357-359; post mortem examination, 359; burial, 360; estimate of his intelligence by Professor Gurney, 374-383.Wright, Elizabeth Boleyn, 4.
Wright, George F., 12, 13; letter to, 16; death of, 85; letter to his wife, 86.
Wright, Lieutenant Frederick, 13; letters to, 48-52.
Writing, 355.
Writing-machine, 350.
Wyman, Professor Jeffries, 271.