《䷡大壯 \ Da Zhuang》1 大壯:利貞。 Da Zhuang: Da Zhuang indicates that (under the conditions which it symbolises) it will be advantageous to be firm and correct. 大壯,大者壯也。剛以動,故壯。大壯利貞;大者正也。正大而天地之情可見矣! Tuan Zhuan: In Da Zhuang we see that which is great becoming strong. We have the (trigram) denoting strength directing that which denotes movement, and hence (the whole) is expressive of vigour. 'Da Zhuang indicates that it will be advantageous to be firm and correct:' - that which is great (should be) correct. Given correctness and greatness (in their highest degree), and the character and tendencies of heaven and earth can be seen. 雷在天上,大壯;君子以非禮勿履。 Xiang Zhuan: (The trigram representing) heaven and above it that for thunder form Da Zhuang. The superior man, in accordance with this, does not take a step which is not according to propriety. 2 初九:壯于趾,征凶,有孚。 Da Zhuang: The first NINE, undivided, shows its subject manifesting his strength in his toes. But advance will lead to evil,--most certainly. 壯于趾,其孚窮也。 Xiang Zhuan: 'He manifests his vigour in his toes:' - this will certainly lead to exhaustion. 3 九二:貞吉。 Da Zhuang: The second NINE, undivided, shows that with firm correctness there will be good fortune. 九二貞吉,以中也。 Xiang Zhuan: 'The second NINE, (undivided), shows that with firm correctness there will be good fortune:' - this is due to its being in the centre, (and its subject exemplifying the due mean). 4 九三:小人用壯,君子用罔,貞厲。羝羊觸藩,羸其角。 Da Zhuang: The third NINE, undivided, shows, in the case of a small man, one using all his strength; and in the case of a superior man, one whose rule is not to do so. Even with firm correctness the position would be perilous. (The exercise of strength in it might be compared to the case of) a ram butting against a fence, and getting his horns entangled. 小人用壯,君子罔也。 Xiang Zhuan: 'The small man uses all his strength; in the case of the superior man it is his rule not to do so.' 5 九四:貞吉悔亡,藩決不羸,壯于大輿之輹。 Da Zhuang: The fourth NINE, undivided, shows (a case in which) firm correctness leads to good fortune, and occasion for repentance disappears. (We see) the fence opened without the horns being entangled. The strength is like that in the wheel-spokes of a large waggon. 藩決不羸,尚往也。 Xiang Zhuan: 'The fence is opened and the horns are not entangled:' - (the subject of the line) still advances. 6 六五:喪羊于易,无悔。 Da Zhuang: The fifth SIX, divided, shows one who loses his ram(-like strength) in the ease of his position. (But) there will be no occasion for repentance. 喪羊于易,位不當也。 Xiang Zhuan: 'He loses his ram and hardly perceives it:' - he is not in his appropriate place. 7 上六:羝羊觸藩,不能退,不能遂,无攸利,艱則吉。 Da Zhuang: The sixth SIX, divided, shows (one who may be compared to) the ram butting against the fence, and unable either to retreat, or to advance as he would fain do. There will not be advantage in any respect; but if he realise the difficulty (of his position), there will be good fortune. 不能退,不能遂,不祥也。艱則吉,咎不長也。 Xiang Zhuan: 'He is unable either to retreat or to advance:' - this is owing to his want of care. 'If he realise the difficulty (of his position), there will be good fortune:' - his error will not be prolonged. |