《聖治 \ The Government of the Sages》

1 曾子曰:「敢問聖人之德,無以加於孝乎?」子曰:「天地之性,人為貴。人之行,莫大於孝。孝莫大於嚴父。嚴父莫大於配天,則周公其人也。昔者,周公郊祀後稷以配天,宗祀文王於明堂,以配上帝。是以四海之內,各以其職來祭。夫聖人之德,又何以加於孝乎?故親生之膝下,以養父母日嚴。聖人因嚴以教敬,因親以教愛。聖人之教,不肅而成,其政不嚴而治,其所因者本也。父子之道,天性也,君臣之義也。父母生之,續莫大焉。君親臨之,厚莫重焉。故不愛其親而愛他人者,謂之悖德;不敬其親而敬他人者,謂之悖禮。以順則逆,民無則焉。不在於善,而皆在於凶德,雖得之,君子不貴也。君子則不然,言思可道,行思可樂,德義可尊,作事可法,容止可觀,進退可度,以臨其民。是以其民畏而愛之,則而象之。故能成其德教,而行其政令。《詩》云:『淑人君子,其儀不忒。』」

The disciple Zeng said, "I venture to ask whether in the virtue of the sages there was not something greater than filial piety."

The Master replied, "Of all (creatures with their different) natures produced by Heaven and Earth, man is the noblest. Of all the actions of man there is none greater than filial piety. In filial piety there is nothing greater than the reverential awe of one's father. In the reverential awe shown to one's father there is nothing greater than the making him the correlate of Heaven. The duke of Zhou was the man who (first) did this.

Formerly the duke of Zhou at the border altar sacrificed to Hou Ji as the correlate of Heaven, and in the Brilliant Hall he honored king Wen and sacrificed to him as the correlate of God. The consequence was that from (all the states) within the four seas, every (prince) came in the discharge of his duty to (assist in those) sacrifices. In the virtue of the sages what besides was there greater than filial piety?

Now the feeling of affection grows up at the parents' knees, and as (the duty of) nourishing those parents is exercised, the affection daily merges in awe. The sages proceeded from the (feeling of) awe to teach (the duties of) reverence, and from (that of) affection to teach (those of) love. The teachings of the sages, without being severe, were successful, and their government, without being rigorous, was effective. What they proceeded from was the root (of filial piety implanted by Heaven).

The relation and duties between father and son, (thus belonging to) the Heaven-conferred nature, (contain in them the principle of) righteousness between ruler and subject. The son derives his life from his parents, and no greater gift could possibly be transmitted. His ruler and parent (in one), his father deals with him accordingly, and no generosity could be greater than this. Hence, he who does not love his parents, but loves other men, is called a rebel against virtue, and he who does not revere his parents, but reveres other men, is called a rebel against propriety. When (the ruler) himself thus acts contrary to (the principles) which should place him in accord (with all men), he presents nothing for the people to imitate. He has nothing to do with what is good, but entirely and only with what is injurious to virtue. Though he may get (his will, and be above others), the superior man does not give him his approval.

It is not so with the superior man. He speaks, having thought whether the words should be spoken; he acts, having thought whether his actions are sure to give pleasure. His virtue and righteousness are such as will be honored; what he initiates and does is fit to be imitated; his deportment is worthy of contemplation; his movements in advancing or retiring are all according to the proper rule. In this way does he present himself to the people, who both revere and love him, imitate and become like him. Thus he is able to make his teaching of virtue successful, and his government and orders to be carried into effect.

It is said in the Book of Poetry: The virtuous man, the princely one, Has nothing wrong in his deportment."