Table of Contents

韓非子 \ Hanfeizi \ The Works of Han Feizi

Preface by the Translator
Methodological Introduction by the Translator
The Biography of Han Fei Tzŭ By Ssŭ-ma Ch`ien
Preface to "The Complete Works of Han Fei Tzŭ with Collected Commentaries"
Foreword to "The Complete Works of Han Fei Tzŭ with Collected Commentaries"

1 初見秦第一 \ Chapter I. The First Interview with the King of Ch'in: A Memorial
2 存韓第二 \ Chapter II. On the Preservation of Han: Issue Between Han Fei and Li Ssŭ
3 難言第三 \ Chapter III. On the Difficulty in Speaking: A Memorial
4 愛臣第四 \ Chapter IV. On Favourite Vassals: A Memorial
5 主道第五 \ Chapter V. The Tao of the Sovereign
6 有度第六 \ Chapter VI. Having Regulations: A Memorial
7 二柄第七 \ Chapter VII. The Two Handles
8 揚權第八 \ Chapter VIII. Wielding the Sceptre
9 八姦第九 \ Chapter IX. Eight Villainies
10 十過第十 \ Chapter X. Ten Faults
11 孤憤第十一 \ Chapter XI. Solitary Indignation
12 說難第十二 \ Chapter XII. Difficulties in the Way of Persuation
13 和氏第十三 \ Chapter XIII. The Difficulty of Pien Ho
14 姦劫弒臣第十四 \ Chapter XIV. Ministers Apt to Betray, Molest, or Murder the Ruler
15 亡徵第十五 \ Chapter XV. Portents of Ruin
16 三守第十六 \ Chapter XVI. Three Precautions
17 備內第十七 \ Chapter XVII. Guarding Against the Interior
18 南面第十八 \ Chapter XVIII. Facing the South
19 飾邪第十九 \ Chapter XIX. On Pretentions and Heresies: A Memorial
20 解老第二十 \ Chapter XX. Commentaries on Lao Tzŭ's Teachings
21 喻老第二十一 \ Chapter XXI. Illustrations of Lao Tzŭ's Teachings
22 說林第二十二 \ Chapter XXII. Collected Persuasions, The Upper Series
23 說林下第二十三 \ Chapter XXIII. Collected Persuasions, The Lower Series
24 觀行第二十四 \ Chapter XXIV. Observing Deeds
25 安危第二十五 \ Chapter XXV. Safety and Danger
26 守道第二十六 \ Chapter XXVI. The Way to Maintain the State
27 用人第二十七 \ Chapter XXVII. How to Use Men: Problems of Personnel Administration
28 功名第二十八 \ Chapter XXVIII. Achievement and Reputation
29 大體第二十九 \ Chapter XXIX. The Principal Features of Legalism
30 內儲說上七術第三十 \ Chapter XXX. Inner Congeries of Sayings, The Upper Series: Seven Tacts
31 內儲說下六微第三十一 \ Chapter XXXI. Inner Congeries of Sayings, The Lower Series: Six Minutiae
32 外儲說左上第三十二 \ Chapter XXXII. Outer Congeries of Sayings, The Upper Left Series
33 外儲說左下第三十三 \ Chapter XXXIII. Outer Congeries of Sayings, The Lower Left Series
34 外儲說右上第三十四 \ Chapter XXXIV. Outer Songeries of Sayings, The Upper Right Series
35 外儲說右〔下〕第三十五 \ Chapter XXXV. Outer Congeries of Sayings, The Lower Right Series
36 難一第三十六 \ Chapter XXXVI. Criticisms of The Ancients, Series One
37 難二第三十七 \ Chapter XXXVII. Criticisms of the Ancients, Series Two
38 難三第三十八 \ Chapter XXXVIII. Criticism of the Ancients, Series Three
39 難四第三十九 \ Chapter XXXIX. Criticisms of the Ancients, Series Four
40 難勢第四十 \ Chapter XL. A Critique of the Doctrine of Position
41 問辯第四十一 \ Chapter XLI. Inquiring into the Origin of Dialectic
42 問田第四十二 \ Chapter XLII. Asking T'ien: Two Dialogues
43 定法第四十三 \ Chapter XLIII. Deciding Between Two Legalistic Doctrines
44 說疑第四十四 \ Chapter XLIV. On Assumers
45 詭使第四十五 \ Chapter XLV. Absurd Encouragements
46 六反第四十六 \ Chapter XLVI. Six Contrarieties
47 八說第四十七 \ Chapter XLVII. Eight Fallacies
48 八經第四十八 \ Chapter XLVIII. Eight Canons
49 五蠹第四十九 \ Chapter XLIX. Five Vermin: A Pathological Analysis of Politics
50 顯學第五十 \ Chapter L. Learned Celebrities: A Critical Estimate of Confucians and Mohists
51 忠孝第五十一 \ Chapter LI. Loyalty and Filial Piety: A Memorial
52 人主第五十二 \ Chapter LII. The Lord of Men
53 飭令第五十三 \ Chapter LIII. Making Orders Trim
54 心度第五十四 \ Chapter LIV. Surmising the Mentality of the People: A Psychological Analysis of Politics
55 制分第五十五 \ Chapter LV. Regulations and Distinctions